Strategi membaca dan pemahaman paragraph merupakan dua strategi yang berperanan penting dalam aktivitas membaca. Kedua strategi ini membantu mereka untuk memahamik teks. Pada kelas XI SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru, guru Bahasa Inggris telah mengajar beberapa strategi yang dapat membantu mereka dalam memahami teks, khususnya teks analytical eksposisi. Di samping itu, guru juga telah menjelaskan komponen paragraph yang membantu mereka memahami paragraph. Meskipun siswa telah mempelajari strategi membaca dan pemahaman paragraf, hanya sekitar 20 hingga 25 persen or sekitar 8 hingga 10 siswa pada setiap kelas yang memahaminya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap kontribusi strategi membaca dan pemahaman paragraph terhadap pemahaman bacaan teks analytical eksposisi. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 238 siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru yang dipilih dengan menggunakan cluster random sampling. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan memberikan tes dan angket di mana siswa diminta untuk menjawab item pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan strategi membaca, pemahaman paragraph dan pemahaman bacaan teks analytical eksposisi. Untuk menganalisa data, peneliti telah menggunakan analisa regresi sederhana dan regresi berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 11.5 untuk windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi membaca dan pemahaman paragraph memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman bacaan teks analitical eksposisi secara terpisah dan bersama-sama.
Kata Kunci : strategi membaca, pemahaman paragraph, dan tek analytical exposition.
Teaching and learning English at SMA applies the competency based curriculum (CBC) 2004 which is implemented in form of School Based Curriculum. It stresses on communicative competence; the ability to communicate both in spoken or written language as an output of students achievements and all four language skills.
To achieve those purposes, strategies have been very important role in presenting the competence. Strategies are steps or actions taken by students to make them more effective, easier, enjoyable, and faster to achieve a goal in learning process. By using strategies the students can improve the development of their language skills, increase essential for learning language, improve the encoding and integration of language material and can increase retrieval of information when needed for use.
The curriculum also stresses on the ability of students to comprehend reading text. There are some text types at senior high school that must be taught to the students, they are different in contextual factors or subject matters (field), in textual features (generic structure) and in grammatical features. They must be able to recognize and distinguish them such as, the social function and language function. The students also must be able to apply reading strategies when they are comprehending those kinds of text types.
To achieve the purpose of teaching reading, the English teacher should teach the students some strategies that can be used in comprehending reading text.
At the eleventh grade of SMA , there are five genres are taught, they are descriptive, narrative, spoof, exposition analytical, and hortatory exposition. The most difficult genre which is taught at senior high school is analytical exposition.
Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s ideas about the phenomena surrounding or text that states the introductory of a topic indicating the writer’s position in persuading the readers or listeners that something is the case, gives a point of view and substantiates what is claimed with reference to relevant authorities ( readings ).
In teaching and learning process, especially in understanding reading text, particularly analytical exposition text, the teachers have taught the students some strategies that can help them in understanding text
Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to conduct a research on to what extent the contribution of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs toward students reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. Through this research, it can be determined whether both of the points above are crucial factors or not.
Statements of the Problem
Statements of the problems are formulated as follows:
1. Is there any significant contribution of reading strategies toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru ?
2. Is there any significant contribution of understanding paragraphs toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru ?
3. Is there any significant contribution both of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru ?
Purposes of the Research
The purposes of this research are to disclose the contribution of:
1. Reading strategies toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts.
2. Understanding paragraphs toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts.
3. Both of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts.
Importance of the Study
From this study, the researcher expects that the result would be useful and could give the contribution for:
1. The researcher, to get a lot of information about the contribution of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs in reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts by the students.
2. The English Teacher
a. As an information for the teachers about to what extent the contribution of students using reading strategies towards students reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts.
b. As information for the teachers about to what extent the contribution of students understanding paragraph towards students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts.
c. As input for the teachers how to apply reading strategies in teaching reading.
3. For others researchers, it can be as input or information to conduct research on the same area.
Reading Strategies
In reading activities, one of aspects influences the students’ reading comprehension is strategy. Oxford, (1990: 8) states that learner strategy is specific action taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situation
On reading strategies, Sara and Hayo ( 2004: 1) divides this strategy into three element; a). Language learning behaviors, b). What learners know about the strategies they use, c). What learners know about aspects of their language learning other the strategies they use
Cotterall and Reinders (2004: 2) emphasizes that strategy involves students’ understanding of the language learning process, and the strategies they use in learning. Nunan (2003: 68) defines that strategic reading is as the ability of the reader to use a wide variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading. Furthermore he states that threre are models of reading strategies they are bottom up, top down and Interactive. Brown (2001: 292-295) the strategies are identifying the purpose in reading, skimming, scanning, guessing, using semantic mapping and analyzing vocabularies as well as distinguishing lateral meaning. In comprehending a text, Zainil (2006: 44) states that the elements of paragraph should be introduced to students.
Conceptual Framework
B. Hypothesis
1. There is a contribution of reading strategies toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text.
2. There is a contribution of understanding paragraph toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text.
3. There is a contribution both of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs toward students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text.
Design of The Research
This research is a correlational research with regressional analysis, which is included in quantitative research. There are three variables will be operated in this research. The independent variables (X1,2) are reading strategies and understanding of paragraph, while dependent variable (Y) is students’ reading comprehending analytical exposition text.
Population and Sample
The population of this research is the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru, who are studying in the academic year 2007/2008. The sample is 238 students from totally 369 students by using cluster random sampling.
The instruments in this research are tests and questionnaires.
The data obtained from Students’ reading strategies shown that it is categorized fairly good. (it is indicated by the mean score divided by ideal maximum score times 100 %, or (3,28/4,92)*100% = 67 %). The data obtained from students’ understanding of paragraph is also categorized fairly good. (it is indicated by the mean score divided by ideal maximum score times 100 %, or (67,88/100) * 100% = 67,88% ). The data on students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition is also fairly good (it is indicated by the mean score divided by ideal maximum score times 100 %, or (67,24/92,50)*100% = 72,69%)
Hypothesis Test
Hypotheses were analyzed by using SPSS 11.5 for windows. The result as follows :
The first hypothesis; there is a significant contribution of reading strategies to reading reading comprehension of analytical exposition text can be accepted because the significant of t-test is 0.004 which is smaller than 0.05.
The second hypothesis; there is a significant contribution of understanding of paragraphs to reading comprehension of analytical exposition text can be accepted because the significant of t-test is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05.
The third hypothesis; there a is significant contribution of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs to reading comprehension of analytical exposition text can be accepted because the significant of t-test are 0,001 and 0.000 which are smaller than 0.05.
The results of the research have shown that:
1. There is a significant contribution of reading strategies to reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. It means that the students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text can be predicted through their reading strategies.
2. There is a significant contribution of understanding paragraphs to reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. It means that the students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text can be predicted through their understanding of paragraphs.
3. There is a significant contribution both of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs to reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. It means that the students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text can be predicted through both reading strategies and understanding paragraphs.
The results of this research shown, that reading strategies and understanding paragraphs have been significantly contributed to reading comprehension of analytical exposition text individually and collectively. Therefore, it is expected that these strategies will help the students to increase their comprehending of analytical exposition text, so that the English teacher needs to emphasize students’ understanding of using reading strategies and paragraph elements in reading activities, in order to have good comprehending of analytical exposition text. Besides, it is expected that the students are able to apply these strategies in reading activities, because reading strategies and understanding paragraphs determine their comprehending of analytical exposition text.
Based on the data that have been found in research, there are some suggestions to describe as follows:
1. In teaching reading, it is better for the English teacher, especially at SMA 10 Pekanbaru to teach reading strategies and paragraph elements; in order the students can understand the use of reading strategies and understanding paragraphs in reading activities perfectly.
2. It is suggested that students should learn and use their understanding of reading strategies and paragraphs in reading activities to increase their comprehending of analytical exposition text.
3. Although this research shows that reading strategies and understanding paragraphs are very important in reading activities especially to comprehend analytical exposition text, it is suggested to the teachers and the students do not ignore for others factors, such as understanding of structure meaning; understanding coherence, cohesion; understanding topic boundary markers; understanding sentence structure and understanding reference.
4. It is suggested to other researchers to investigate other strategies in helping students to increase comprehending of analytical exposition text. Because, most of science and knowledge are obtained through reading activities.
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